Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final Essay: My Writitng Process

Blakely Frederick

College English II

Mr. Velez


Reflection Essay: My Essential Writing Process

My initial writing process has always been pretty simple before I started writing college essays. Before college, my writing process was simply to view the subject material, and then simply write about what I knew about the subject, and that would be it. I would never really learn much from what I wrote, because I would never really put any emphasis in my work ethic. Therefore my papers would be pretty plain. To be honest I never really took writing seriously until my senior year of high school, when I had to write college essays. Fortunately I did all right with that, but I realized that even though I was a pretty decent writer I had to do better.

When I came to college, the educational atmosphere itself was different from what I was accustomed to before. There were other students in my classes that seemed to have a more diverse vocabulary and writing styles than I did. Others did not, some were worst than mine own. Seeing other students excel in writing was my motivation to get better. I brushed up on my writing techniques, through taking Mr. Velez writing classes. I learned quite a lot in his class, and not just on writing but life in general. I learned that when writing you have to be able to make your point clear. I learned to understand the subject and to grasp something from my writing.

I have learned that by spending more time organizing my thoughts allows you to process information better, it can also help your organization skills. My writing has definitely improved since I have taken college English. I actually find myself getting engaged into the subject of my writing, where after writing I tend to dwell into the subject to obtain even more information. The most important thing to me when writing, is to try to capture the audience with your writing, and don’t sidetrack away from the main theme. Looking back at my writing 10 years ago up to now, I have to say that I have evolved, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. My writing has transcended to a point where writing comes easy for me. Because when I start, sometimes it’s hard for me to stop.

Though I may have got better at writing, I still tend to make minor mistakes like grammar structure, punctuation, sentence run-ons, misspelling etc. I have writing strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are emphasizing the topic in my writing, making it lengthy more interesting. My weaknesses are normally coming up with a good introduction and a final conclusion to my writing. I can have great topic ideas in my head, but I have a hard time constructing an introduction, and sometimes a conclusion. It’s ok though because I take my mistakes and I learn from them. I believe in two things you either get better at writing or worse over time. I believe my writing process will only continue to develop as it will help me in the long run for the rest of my life.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Humanities Essay

Blakely Frederick

EN-132 College English

Humanities Essay

Mr. Velez



According to the definition term, a black man is a man with dark skin who comes from Africa, or whose ancestors hail from Africa. Sad isn’t it, this is all the world thinks of black men, this is how they define us. My definition of a black man is more than just a man whose ancestors hail from Africa, but a man who signifies integrity, drive, dedication, respect and creativity. I say this because I am a black man, an African-American man, who takes great pride in his work and his legacy. I am a black man who hails from a long line of black men, whose origins can be traced back to the times of Pharaohs’ and African Kings and Chiefs. Our heritage is rich because the black man has influenced every facet of the world. We alone have built the world to what it is today.

A strong black man is not just a man who knows where he comes from, he is also a man who knows where is going. A strong black man is a man who carries the wait of the world on his shoulders, as he faces discriminations at every turn of his life. No matter where he goes he will judged and stereotyped by those who fail to understand who is, because deep within he is better than him. The world fears the black man because he the potential to alter the world the way he sees fit. We are Earths natural born kings who rule over many prosperous nations. We are talented, gifted and godly, creative in our own minds and souls. We built the pyramids in ancient Egypt, to build skyscrapers that house the most powerful black corporations in the world. We are the chosen people. I mean just look at history, look at the most influential black men in human history. Dating back all the way from Shaka Zulu, to Frederick Douglas, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B Dubious, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Martin L. King, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, and many, many more. We black men are earth-shakers. We alone crack the very foundations of discrimination and prejudice in the world. We move mountains, and the waves of the sea.

We sing songs that influence and makes the world dance. The greatest singers and music makers in the world have been black from the Temptations, to James Brown, Smokey Robinson, Quincy Jones, Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Teddy Pendagrass, BB King, Jimmy Hendrix, Run DMC, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G and the list goes on and on. We have crafted every important tool of this world, from peanut butter, to railroads, pencil sharper, signal lights, cell phones, airplanes, aircrafts, cosmetics, all the way down to a super soaker water gun. These are our testimonies, our tribunes, or displays of great talents and achievements. We are black men, God’s men.

Blakely Frederick

College English II EN-132

Mr. Velez


Natural Science & Technology Essay:

Are we alone in the Universe?

Ever since the dawn of mankind, humans have questioned whether or not we are alone in the universe. This question has to been brought up for countless centuries, but has never been fully answered. Do aliens actually exist? It has been a question that we human beings have asked since we first glanced up into the night sky. Many have devoted their entire lives to solve this bizarre topic as some look to prove that we are not alone, while others seek to prove that there are no other beings other than us. But can we ever really know? So far we know that there are billions of stars and constellations in the universe. We also know that the universe contains various galaxies and suns with different planets and moons orbiting around them. I believe that extraterrestrials exist, and that they are out there somewhere in the universe. Many scientists have the same basic idea of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe, although everyone has their own basic theory on the subject. I believe that at some point in our history, aliens may have visited earth. Many may disagree with me but if you really think about it you may actually see my point of view.

Looking back at human history, one must wonder where these ancient civilizations like the ancient Egyptians came up with their vast conceptions of the gods. Could it have been possible that extraterrestrials may have visited earth during the very early days of human civilization, and influenced the Egyptian and Mayan societies? What really could have influenced the Egyptians to build the Sphinx or the great pyramids? What about the Mayans and their massive brick constructs, and their theory of the world ending in the year 2012? Could it be possible that the Mayans were confronted by extraterrestrials and told of an impending doom that was to come or their initial takeover of the human race in the year 2012? All these questions have yet to be answered and still remain a mystery to this day. I believe it all to be true, that extraterrestrials are real, they know of our existence, and that they have come to earth at some point in the past. In fact there have been several sightings of alien spacecrafts hovering over various cities in different continents around the world.

There were several sightings in Russia, Germany, the U.S. and Mexico as well as other locations between the 1950’s and 1980’s. The number of sightings increased over the course of time, as more people claimed to have seen some form of alien activity. Though as more people began to discover evidence towards their claims, it seemed like the government would be even more relentless in covering up any and all evidence of extraterrestrial evidence. The world renowned Area 51, which many people think is just a myth is said to be the central source of all information and evidence on anything extraterrestrial. Area 51 is really just a very top secret U.S. Air Force Base that is located in Nevada. Many believe that the real evidence behind alien discovery is located in Nevada and in another military base in New Mexico. Some scientists believe Earth to be unique, that it is the only planet that could possibly support our unique life. Life on other planets could be different, where the climate conditions are suited for their specific bodily functions. The life on one planet may not be able to sustain life on another, or on Earth, vice versa.

Though there maybe other planets out there that have a similar atmosphere as earth, with the universe being so big. Maybe extraterrestrials may not have the technology to expand and venture to other planets, while some may have the same technology as ours. It is widely conceived that extraterrestrials may have technology far beyond our own. They too probably look up in the sky and wonder if they too are alone in the universe.

References (Sources):

Are we alone in the Universe?


Survey Central


Dr. Ray Bohlin, Probe Ministries Are We Alone in the Universe?


Social Science Essay

Blakely Frederick

College English EN 132

Rafael Velez


Social Science Essay:

Revenge: Good or Bad

For those who have read Edgar Allan Poe's "A Cask of Amontillado", we learn of a man by the name of Monstresor, who seeks revenge on a so-called friend named Fortunato, who insulted him early on. The story tells of Monstresor and his personal vendetta against his colleague Fortunato, where he goes as far as to entomb a drunken Fortunato into the family catacombs, in search of Amontillado. By studying this story, I have learned more than just an average tale of one man’s act of vengeance against the other, but I remembered that story’s theme of vengeance is carried on in real human society every day. This story reminded me of how far people will stoop to get back at someone else, whether the situation was serious or not.

The idea of revenge is very common in our society; where everyday someone is inflicting their own punishment onto someone who originally hurt them. Though in some societies around the world, it is believed that the punishment in revenge should be more than the original crime. We have all experienced the craving for revenge from being cut off in traffic by a rude driver and wanting to return the favor, to visualizing of putting a school bully in his place, we have all felt wronged by someone, and quenched for vengeance. The big question is whether revenge is good or essentially bad? Many may think the idea of revenge is wrong, but then again it is justified, because when one person does wrong to another, it eventually comes back on that same person one way or the other. Whether or not the victim returns personal injury or not. It is sometimes hard to identify whether revenge can be a good or bad thing. In my own personal opinion I think revenge is only justified depending on the situation at hand. Trying to depict whether revenge is an act of good moral or not would be an ongoing debate.

For example, a boy is being picked on everyday at school by some bullies. Then one day the bullies take it too far and the boy is fed up, and decides to take matters into his own hands. How would anybody defer whether this situation is considered revenge or just simply acting out? It wouldn’t be easy to answer that question, because there would be several conflicting views on the situation. In the Old Testament of the Bible, Exodus 21:24 includes a doctrine referring to the old saying “an eye for an eye”, which means whatever is done onto one will ultimately be returned in favor.

In many ancient societies, the punishment for murder would be to allow the victim’s family’s to avenge the killing. During those times vendettas or “blood feuds” were cycles inclining violence and retaliation, as it is today in society. People seem to think the getting back at the person who did you wrong is the best solution to justify evil deeds. In ancient Japan, the Samurai class upheld a strict honor to their respective family, clan or masters, through the art of revenge killings. These so-called revenge killings could involve anyone including the families of the offender. Revenge is such a strong, personal emotion that it is portrayed in just about every form of literature and pop culture.

The revenge theme is played heavily in the realm of entertainment industry; in fact movies have always portrayed a fantastic image of the ideals of revenge and its consequences. Unforgettable classic films such as Carrie”, “Man on Fire”, “Kill Bill vol. 1-2”, “ Mad Max”, “Old Boy , The Crow”, “Spawn”, and many more gave viewers a perfect insight on the actions and deadly repercussions off inflicting revenge on different levels in different situations, in a various social societies. Then again look at events in the real world. Who could forget 9/11, and the War in Iraq that is still going on till this day. Or the brutal massacre at Virginia Tech where a South Korean college student with a long history of mental problems bombarded onto campus, and shot and killed over 32 people before committing suicide. These are just basic examples of how far people will go to enact vengeance, and how a situation can go from bad to worse.

So in conclusion, I say that even though revenge can seem fair, it is not justified. Like Monstresor in Edgar Allen Poe’s story; he may thought what he did to Fortunato was fair but it was not for him to decide. I support my view simply because the truth is, no matter what the problem was or how it started, in the end someone always gets hurt, whether the victim or the perpetrator. Just because someone has done something wrong to someone else, it does not mean that they can take justice into their own hands. We are not God; we do not have the ability to punish others, even though we may think we do. We are simply humans who all have faults and insecurities about ourselves, and tend to flicker our anger at others. We must all remember that in the end, when we die, we must all answer to whatever we have done in our lives. Or have we forgotten that.

Blakely Frederick

College English EN 132

Rafael Velez


Social Science Essay:

Revenge: Good or Bad

For those who have read Edgar Allan Poe's "A Cask of Amontillado", we learn of a man by the name of Monstresor, who seeks revenge on a so-called friend named Fortunato, who insulted him early on. The story tells of Monstresor and his personal vendetta against his colleague Fortunato, where he goes as far as to entomb a drunken Fortunato into the family catacombs, in search of Amontillado. By studying this story, I have learned more than just an average tale of one man’s act of vengeance against the other, but I remembered that story’s theme of vengeance is carried on in real human society every day. This story reminded me of how far people will stoop to get back at someone else, whether the situation was serious or not.

The idea of revenge is very common in our society; where everyday someone is inflicting their own punishment onto someone who originally hurt them. Though in some societies around the world, it is believed that the punishment in revenge should be more than the original crime. We have all experienced the craving for revenge from being cut off in traffic by a rude driver and wanting to return the favor, to visualizing of putting a school bully in his place, we have all felt wronged by someone, and quenched for vengeance. The big question is whether revenge is good or essentially bad? Many may think the idea of revenge is wrong, but then again it is justified, because when one person does wrong to another, it eventually comes back on that same person one way or the other. Whether or not the victim returns personal injury or not. It is sometimes hard to identify whether revenge can be a good or bad thing. In my own personal opinion I think revenge is only justified depending on the situation at hand. Trying to depict whether revenge is an act of good moral or not would be an ongoing debate.

For example, a boy is being picked on everyday at school by some bullies. Then one day the bullies take it too far and the boy is fed up, and decides to take matters into his own hands. How would anybody defer whether this situation is considered revenge or just simply acting out? It wouldn’t be easy to answer that question, because there would be several conflicting views on the situation. In the Old Testament of the Bible, Exodus 21:24 includes a doctrine referring to the old saying “an eye for an eye”, which means whatever is done onto one will ultimately be returned in favor.

In many ancient societies, the punishment for murder would be to allow the victim’s family’s to avenge the killing. During those times vendettas or “blood feuds” were cycles inclining violence and retaliation, as it is today in society. People seem to think the getting back at the person who did you wrong is the best solution to justify evil deeds. In ancient Japan, the Samurai class upheld a strict honor to their respective family, clan or masters, through the art of revenge killings. These so-called revenge killings could involve anyone including the families of the offender. Revenge is such a strong, personal emotion that it is portrayed in just about every form of literature and pop culture.

The revenge theme is played heavily in the realm of entertainment industry; in fact movies have always portrayed a fantastic image of the ideals of revenge and its consequences. Unforgettable classic films such as Carrie”, “Man on Fire”, “Kill Bill vol. 1-2”, “ Mad Max”, “Old Boy , The Crow”, “Spawn”, and many more gave viewers a perfect insight on the actions and deadly repercussions off inflicting revenge on different levels in different situations, in a various social societies. Then again look at events in the real world. Who could forget 9/11, and the War in Iraq that is still going on till this day. Or the brutal massacre at Virginia Tech where a South Korean college student with a long history of mental problems bombarded onto campus, and shot and killed over 32 people before committing suicide. These are just basic examples of how far people will go to enact vengeance, and how a situation can go from bad to worse.

So in conclusion, I say that even though revenge can seem fair, it is not justified. Like Monstresor in Edgar Allen Poe’s story; he may thought what he did to Fortunato was fair but it was not for him to decide. I support my view simply because the truth is, no matter what the problem was or how it started, in the end someone always gets hurt, whether the victim or the perpetrator. Just because someone has done something wrong to someone else, it does not mean that they can take justice into their own hands. We are not God; we do not have the ability to punish others, even though we may think we do. We are simply humans who all have faults and insecurities about ourselves, and tend to flicker our anger at others. We must all remember that in the end, when we die, we must all answer to whatever we have done in our lives. Or have we forgotten that.