Saturday, December 5, 2009

Humanities Essay

Blakely Frederick

EN-132 College English

Humanities Essay

Mr. Velez



According to the definition term, a black man is a man with dark skin who comes from Africa, or whose ancestors hail from Africa. Sad isn’t it, this is all the world thinks of black men, this is how they define us. My definition of a black man is more than just a man whose ancestors hail from Africa, but a man who signifies integrity, drive, dedication, respect and creativity. I say this because I am a black man, an African-American man, who takes great pride in his work and his legacy. I am a black man who hails from a long line of black men, whose origins can be traced back to the times of Pharaohs’ and African Kings and Chiefs. Our heritage is rich because the black man has influenced every facet of the world. We alone have built the world to what it is today.

A strong black man is not just a man who knows where he comes from, he is also a man who knows where is going. A strong black man is a man who carries the wait of the world on his shoulders, as he faces discriminations at every turn of his life. No matter where he goes he will judged and stereotyped by those who fail to understand who is, because deep within he is better than him. The world fears the black man because he the potential to alter the world the way he sees fit. We are Earths natural born kings who rule over many prosperous nations. We are talented, gifted and godly, creative in our own minds and souls. We built the pyramids in ancient Egypt, to build skyscrapers that house the most powerful black corporations in the world. We are the chosen people. I mean just look at history, look at the most influential black men in human history. Dating back all the way from Shaka Zulu, to Frederick Douglas, George Washington Carver, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B Dubious, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Martin L. King, Malcom X, Nelson Mandela, and many, many more. We black men are earth-shakers. We alone crack the very foundations of discrimination and prejudice in the world. We move mountains, and the waves of the sea.

We sing songs that influence and makes the world dance. The greatest singers and music makers in the world have been black from the Temptations, to James Brown, Smokey Robinson, Quincy Jones, Berry Gordy, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5, Prince, Marvin Gaye, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Teddy Pendagrass, BB King, Jimmy Hendrix, Run DMC, Tupac, Notorious B.I.G and the list goes on and on. We have crafted every important tool of this world, from peanut butter, to railroads, pencil sharper, signal lights, cell phones, airplanes, aircrafts, cosmetics, all the way down to a super soaker water gun. These are our testimonies, our tribunes, or displays of great talents and achievements. We are black men, God’s men.

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