Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final Essay: My Writitng Process

Blakely Frederick

College English II

Mr. Velez


Reflection Essay: My Essential Writing Process

My initial writing process has always been pretty simple before I started writing college essays. Before college, my writing process was simply to view the subject material, and then simply write about what I knew about the subject, and that would be it. I would never really learn much from what I wrote, because I would never really put any emphasis in my work ethic. Therefore my papers would be pretty plain. To be honest I never really took writing seriously until my senior year of high school, when I had to write college essays. Fortunately I did all right with that, but I realized that even though I was a pretty decent writer I had to do better.

When I came to college, the educational atmosphere itself was different from what I was accustomed to before. There were other students in my classes that seemed to have a more diverse vocabulary and writing styles than I did. Others did not, some were worst than mine own. Seeing other students excel in writing was my motivation to get better. I brushed up on my writing techniques, through taking Mr. Velez writing classes. I learned quite a lot in his class, and not just on writing but life in general. I learned that when writing you have to be able to make your point clear. I learned to understand the subject and to grasp something from my writing.

I have learned that by spending more time organizing my thoughts allows you to process information better, it can also help your organization skills. My writing has definitely improved since I have taken college English. I actually find myself getting engaged into the subject of my writing, where after writing I tend to dwell into the subject to obtain even more information. The most important thing to me when writing, is to try to capture the audience with your writing, and don’t sidetrack away from the main theme. Looking back at my writing 10 years ago up to now, I have to say that I have evolved, like a caterpillar in a cocoon. My writing has transcended to a point where writing comes easy for me. Because when I start, sometimes it’s hard for me to stop.

Though I may have got better at writing, I still tend to make minor mistakes like grammar structure, punctuation, sentence run-ons, misspelling etc. I have writing strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are emphasizing the topic in my writing, making it lengthy more interesting. My weaknesses are normally coming up with a good introduction and a final conclusion to my writing. I can have great topic ideas in my head, but I have a hard time constructing an introduction, and sometimes a conclusion. It’s ok though because I take my mistakes and I learn from them. I believe in two things you either get better at writing or worse over time. I believe my writing process will only continue to develop as it will help me in the long run for the rest of my life.

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