Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blakely Frederick

College English II EN-132

Mr. Velez


Natural Science & Technology Essay:

Are we alone in the Universe?

Ever since the dawn of mankind, humans have questioned whether or not we are alone in the universe. This question has to been brought up for countless centuries, but has never been fully answered. Do aliens actually exist? It has been a question that we human beings have asked since we first glanced up into the night sky. Many have devoted their entire lives to solve this bizarre topic as some look to prove that we are not alone, while others seek to prove that there are no other beings other than us. But can we ever really know? So far we know that there are billions of stars and constellations in the universe. We also know that the universe contains various galaxies and suns with different planets and moons orbiting around them. I believe that extraterrestrials exist, and that they are out there somewhere in the universe. Many scientists have the same basic idea of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe, although everyone has their own basic theory on the subject. I believe that at some point in our history, aliens may have visited earth. Many may disagree with me but if you really think about it you may actually see my point of view.

Looking back at human history, one must wonder where these ancient civilizations like the ancient Egyptians came up with their vast conceptions of the gods. Could it have been possible that extraterrestrials may have visited earth during the very early days of human civilization, and influenced the Egyptian and Mayan societies? What really could have influenced the Egyptians to build the Sphinx or the great pyramids? What about the Mayans and their massive brick constructs, and their theory of the world ending in the year 2012? Could it be possible that the Mayans were confronted by extraterrestrials and told of an impending doom that was to come or their initial takeover of the human race in the year 2012? All these questions have yet to be answered and still remain a mystery to this day. I believe it all to be true, that extraterrestrials are real, they know of our existence, and that they have come to earth at some point in the past. In fact there have been several sightings of alien spacecrafts hovering over various cities in different continents around the world.

There were several sightings in Russia, Germany, the U.S. and Mexico as well as other locations between the 1950’s and 1980’s. The number of sightings increased over the course of time, as more people claimed to have seen some form of alien activity. Though as more people began to discover evidence towards their claims, it seemed like the government would be even more relentless in covering up any and all evidence of extraterrestrial evidence. The world renowned Area 51, which many people think is just a myth is said to be the central source of all information and evidence on anything extraterrestrial. Area 51 is really just a very top secret U.S. Air Force Base that is located in Nevada. Many believe that the real evidence behind alien discovery is located in Nevada and in another military base in New Mexico. Some scientists believe Earth to be unique, that it is the only planet that could possibly support our unique life. Life on other planets could be different, where the climate conditions are suited for their specific bodily functions. The life on one planet may not be able to sustain life on another, or on Earth, vice versa.

Though there maybe other planets out there that have a similar atmosphere as earth, with the universe being so big. Maybe extraterrestrials may not have the technology to expand and venture to other planets, while some may have the same technology as ours. It is widely conceived that extraterrestrials may have technology far beyond our own. They too probably look up in the sky and wonder if they too are alone in the universe.

References (Sources):

Are we alone in the Universe?

Survey Central

Dr. Ray Bohlin, Probe Ministries Are We Alone in the Universe?

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